Are you ready to incorporate edible plants into your landscapes? Rutgers Cooperative Extension is offering a FREE online class.
RU Ready 2 Garden Series
Advice for All Gardeners: Beginners to Advanced – Helping families and communities grow their own food.
Time: Thursday, May 14, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. Live on WebEx.
Link for Registration:
Register for the FREE program at https://tinyurl.com/RUgarden3B
Session 3: Edible Landscaping
Edible landscaping involves growing food-producing plants in the residential landscape. Edible landscapes incorporate fruit and nut trees, berry bushes, vegetables, herbs, and edible flowers in a way that is both productive and aesthetically interesting. Edible species can be included in any style of gardening and can be combined with ornamental specimens to achieve your landscaping goals. This webinar will focus on the basic concepts of edible landscaping and will discuss plant species for creating your edible landscape.
This Week’s Instructor: Bill Errickson

Rutgers Cooperative Extension Agriculture and Natural Resources Agent Bill Errickson is the Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension Agent in Monmouth County with a focus on nursery, turfgrass, and agricultural innovation. He has worked in various aspects of the agricultural sector for the past 15 years, including operating his own diversified farm in coastal Maine and consulting on edible landscapes for residential clients. He has led courses focused on sustainable horticulture and soil fertility for commercial growers, homeowners, and college students throughout New Jersey and New England.
Bill and his team at Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Monmouth County are always available to answer your questions and to help you grow a healthy and productive garden. He can be contacted by email: william.errickson@njaes.rutgers.edu
Program Host: Agricultural Agent and Professor Bill Hlubik

Bill has 30 years of experience in the production, research, and marketing of specialty crops. Professor Hlubik teaches “Sustainable Agriculture” and “Starting a Small Farm” classes for the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.
If you missed the first two episodes, you can watch them here:
Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Great post! I agree that edible landscaping involves growing food-producing plants in the residential landscape.
I’m interested
I am starting a Gardening Club as part of the Sparta Women’s Group. I am looking to have some guest speakers speak to our Gardening Club about gardening. Perhaps indoor container gardening or other winter topics and outdoor gardening topics for spring and summer. Who would I contact about having a guest speaker?
Thank you.
Elaine Reinman
Sparta Women’s Group
Sparta, NJ
Hi Elaine. You can contact the Rutgers Master Gardener Program. Every county has a branch. Here is their web page: